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Электронное образование Республики Татарстан

Государственное автономное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Нижнекамский музыкальный колледж имени Салиха Сайдашева»

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Визитная карточка

Адрес: 423570, РТ, г. Нижнекамск, площадь имени Н.В. Лемаева 12
Телефон: +7(8555)-36-07-64
E-Mail: mk.nmk@tatar.ru
Министерство: Министерство культуры Республики Татарстан
Короткое название: НМК имени С. Сайдашева
Руководитель: Прокопьева Ольга Владимировна
Год основания учреждения: 1969
У нас учатся: 90 студентов
У нас учат: 50 преподавателей, 5 концертмейстеров

Историческая справка (english)

The increased role of the cultural life of small towns of Russia has become one of the signs of our time. One of these towns is the city of Nizhnekamsk in the Republic of Tatarstan. The musical centre of the city is the College of Music (previously - School).

This educational institution was founded in 1969 on the initiative of the City Administration. Since 1971 the School has proudly borne the name of Salikh Saydashev, the founding father of Tatar professional music. In April 2008, after passing successfully the State accreditation, the School obtained the status of College.
Great contribution into the organization and development of the College was made by its principals: L. A. Dzhurayev (1969 – 1972), I. G. Almazov (1973 – 1977), Z. Kh. Akzmedzyanov (1978 – 1989), G. Z. Fayzullin (1989 – 1995), F. Ch. Gaysin (1996 – 2004.), S. A. Bakasheva (2005 – 2011),
A. N. Gilazov (2012).

After years of its existence, the College has trained a great amount of specialists, among which there are teachers in children's schools of music, choirmasters, artistic directors of musical ensembles, orchestra musicians. Among the College graduates there are Rashid Kalimullin, Guzel Mukhametdinova, Lenar Aykayev, Nailya Gaynullina, Rafael Sakhabeyev, Zukhra Sharifullina, Rezeda Galimova, Tatyana Mazurenko, Alsu Khisamiyeva and many others.

A cohesive and professional team consisting of creative personalities has always been and is nowadays working in the College. Almost half of today’s pedagogical staff is formed by College former graduates, which are creative, avid, initiative, not indifferent and prospective people.

The teachers and the students of the College execute an active concert-enlightening work, performing with different concert programs not only as soloists, but also as the members of student-run creative groups, such as chamber orchestras, violin ensembles, wind orchestras, choirs of the students being educated in the departments of “Choir Conducting” and “Vocal Artistry”. While playing music in these groups, students obtain strong practical skills in the field of professional pedagogic and concert activity.

There is also a Student Council of the College of Music, which is functioning in active and successful way. The scientific work of students is being conducted effectively, there is a student-run circle under the name of “Counterpoint” and the newspaper “In music perfectus” which is being published regularly.

The College graduates’ level of training is confirmed by their being in demand and total job placement. High rate of the students entering into the institutes of higher education of the country is also an evidence of the graduates’ high level of proficiency. Many of our alumni have continued their education abroad (in Canada, USA, Japan and Greece) after their graduation.

Nowadays the Nizhnekamsk College of Music is realizing the training of the specialists in compliance with the developed professional educational programs of advanced and profound level of specialized secondary education.